Monday 26 May 2008

Corey Worthington Bombs

Party idiot Corey Worthington has just released a single, a cover of the Beastie Boys "Fight for your Right (to Party)". It is probably the most embarrassing and terrible cover ever released.
FIGHT FOR YOUR RIGHT (TO PARTY!)" is released exclusively on and 3 mobile on Sunday, May 4, 2008. It will be released on i-Tunes and other digital stores on 14th May in Australia and from May 2st May worldwide.
It's already the talk of the forums all the comments we could find were like the following:
"That is possibly the worst piece of music I have ever heard. Period"
"Holy Fuck. That's horrible."

prepare for your ears to get raped

"I am going to try and avoid this and crank up Beastie Boys instead - I think I have it on vinyl somewhere"
"my goodness. this isn't even shit in a funny way. he sounds like he has downs syndrome or something"
"fuck that was bad, especially the filter just before it drops. The guy has a ridiculous amount of effects and processors on his voice and he still sounds like a spastic. "
"For those who havent listened, prepare for your ears to get raped."

"Fuck that was shit. Whoever is releasing this (label wise) need to take a long hard look at themselves."
We aren't even going to bother giving you the link to it, if you want to listen (at your own risk) then Google it. We'd like to fight for the right for the song to be immediately withdrawn, you ears will definitely feel raped.
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