Wednesday 6 August 2008

John Singer

John Singer   
Artist: John Singer

New Age


Shakuhachi Master   
 Shakuhachi Master

Tracks: 5

John Singer is a master shakuhachi teacher, performing artist, recording artist, and late shakuhachi teacher at the University of Hawaii. He has been playacting on this Japanese bamboo champagne fluting since 1975. He studied for several long time in Japan below the tutorship of the recent shakuhachi Grand Master and Living National Treasure Yamaguchi Goro and shakuhachi maestro Matsumura Homei. In 1982, he received a Shihan (Master Teacher certificate). John Singer has performed end-to-end Japan, Hawaii, mainland United States, and Europe. He has appeared on many occasions on radio and tV and has been actively playing and lecture at colleges, Zen centers, and other venues. The purpose of Singer's concerts is to give his audiences an sympathy of the shakuhachi both as an outstandingly dynamic musical cat's-paw and as a contemplative creature having a rich history within the Zen Buddhist tradition. He has record and performed with such musicians as Zakir Hussain, R. Carlos Nakai, Aenea Keyes, Todd Barton, Paul Horn, members of Skywalk, and Mizuno Kohmei.